
Reeling in the Zombie Apocalypse 4

To be continued...
Jenny and I slept on the couch while my dad smoked the fish and my mom shot any zombies that approached. I can't say it was a good sleep. In fact, it was terribly fitful, but eventually dawn came.
"We better get on the road," my dad said shaking my shoulder a bit rougher than needed.
I nodded feeling exhausted. Jenny was still clinging to me.
I pushed her away gently and she startled awake. She looked even paler today than she had yesterday. Still, she got up and followed every direction my dad gave. We managed to get my parents and their things loaded up into the SUV though my dad and I did have to move a few zombie carcasses away from the front door before we could open the door. I was a little worried that there might still be a live one and with one bite we would be goners but my dad just laughed when I mentioned it. Apparently, my mom is an even better shot than I imagined.
She brought the gun and enough bullets to hopefully last until we got onto the water. I wouldn't have to use my reel again for zombie bashing. I wondered if I could get it clean enough to use. It was hard to guess when I would be able to buy another reel with the zombie apocalypse at hand.
The roads were different today. We did see cars but they were along the side of the road and there was no one alive in them. I had no idea if the occupants had run out of gas and had to make a run for it or what had happened. A few smaller cars were dented and crushed in places and it didn't take much imagination to imagine what had happened to those people. When we saw a crushed VW Bug Jenny had to open her window and throw up. Finally, we weren't able to stay on back roads anymore. Jenny's parent's live in the suburbs and so we had to get on Main St. Cars were backed up bumper to bumper but instead of the deafening honking from yesterday an eerie silence hung in the air. I drove along the median which was surprisingly free of cars until we were almost a mile from Jenny's parents.
A turned truck blocked our way. My first and admittedly macho impulse was to see if I could speed into it and push it out of the way but I couldn't see over it and if something big was on the other side I didn't want to risk immobilizing my car.
"We will get out and check it out," my dad said as I pulled to a stop. I nodded and put the car in park.
"Should we take the gun?" I asked.
"Your mother will cover us." I nodded but grabbed the reel and a pair of gloves anyways. I wanted to make sure I had a fighting chance. I saw my dad grab his Piscifun Aluminum Pliers Braid Cutter Fishing Scissors. I wasn't sure that would be enough to take out a zombie but I really hoped there would be no zombies to take out.
To be continued...

