To be continued...
I was right about there not being too many zombies on the country roads. There were a few we passed, but mostly it was a quiet drive and I was glad that Jenny got some sleep.
We were also fortunate enough to find a few gas stations along the way that were so primitive that that they didn't require an attendant.
One did and so I had to rush into the vacant station and guess which buttons on the register had to be pushed to get gas. Luckily, I had been a gas station attendant for about a month in high school.
It was almost seven at night when we got into Vermont. My parents have a little cabin in the woods and I hoped that the zombies hadn't gotten to them yet. We pulled into the driveway and knocked on the front door. I heard rustling inside and so I knew something was in there. I held my breath as I waited. Finally, my mom opened the door just a crack. I was glad she was being cautious. I had tried to call her before we came but apparently cell towers were down across the country. There were only a few radio stations that were still up and running we had learned as we drove. Most were nothing but static.
"Oh Alex," my mother cried throwing her arms around me.
"We need to get into the house," I said as I pushed Jenny inside.
"We heard about the outbreak. Is it really true?" My mom asked. In a way I was glad she was unsure. It meant that the outbreak hadn't made it here yet.
"It's true," Jenny said with a whimper.
"Let me get you in here and get you some tea dear," my mom said taking Jenny by the arm. I was glad someone else got to worry about Jenny for a few moments while I tried to clear my head.
"Where is dad?" I asked.
"Out fishing on the lake," my mother said rolling her eyes.
"You are joking," I said but she shook her head. Apparently, she wasn't.
"You may as well join him and let my poor daughter in law have a nice rest."
It sounded ludicrous but at the moment it was the only thing I wanted in the whole world. Zombies couldn't really be killing people all over the world if my dad and I were out on his fishing boat, right?
I cautiously walked out the front door and drove the Yukon down to the water.
My dad was indeed out on his little boat.
He was close enough that I could see he had his Shadowcat Series 2 casting rod. My dad is a Piscifun fan just like I am.
I wasn't sure if it was safe to call out to him but I didn't see anything around me and it seemed safe enough.
"Dad!" I shouted. He looked up and did a double take. Apparently, he wasn't expecting me.
He brought the boat over to the shore.
"Where is your rod?" he asked after looking me over for a minute. I popped the trunk and pulled out my Sphinx Series 2. My dad's rod is a tournament grade but he fishes much more than I do. I prefer my thin and lightweight Sphinx.
My dad took the boat out into the water and we both cast our lines.
"What are you doing out here?" I asked him. Everything now seemed so out of place with my morning.
"Well, I figured even if the reports were true, zombies can't swim. Figured they would just sink to the bottom of the water. Maybe the fish will eat them." I tried not to contemplate whether this would create an outbreak of zombie fish. I am certainly no scientist.
"Plus, I wanted to make sure we had some smoked meat to take with us if we did have to run. Not real sure where we will be going though."
"Jenny's parents have a sailboat. I was thinking we could try to see if the outbreak has reached any other continents. The news didn't seem sure. If it was contained here, maybe other places will let the survivors in as refugees. Who knows, maybe there is even some scientist working on a cure. I don't really have any idea what else we could do. What do you think?" I ask.
My dad grunts which I realize is the only response I am going to get and sigh. The dusk is starting to set in and we have about ten fish ready to be smoked when I hear the scream. I know instantly that it is Jenny.
My father seems to take forever to make his way back to the shore and at first I am in a panic. Then, I hear the sound of shots being fired. Jenny has never handled a gun in her life. Her parents didn't believe in them. I am desperately hoping it is my mom who is shooting because if it is then she may actually hit a zombie and just as important she might manage not to hit us as we make our way to the house.
My dad walked to the water so I load him and his supplies into the Yukon and then I hit the gas. I bowl over ten zombies as we make our way to the house. I am going fast enough that the force of the hit doesn't give them time to mess with the windows but I am glad I still have my reel ready to bash in zombie faces if it comes to that.
Zombie bodies are scattered around the front of the house. I am sure the smell of decay will draw more.
"How much ammo does mom have?" I ask.
"Enough," my dad smiles.
We kick shattered and broken zombies out of the way as we bring our fish in through the front door. Jenny is on the couch in tears.
Mom must be upstairs at a window.
"I want my mom," she whispers.
"Tomorrow," I assure her. "We are going to go and get them tomorrow. And then, we are going to find a way to get to their sailboat and get on the water. We will be safe there. Zombies can't swim," I say hoping my dad is right.
Jenny throws her arms around me and I hold her tight.
"We just have to get through this night. Then, everything will be fine," I whisper to her. She nods and I hope that she believes me.
To be continued...