
Fishing At Casterly Rock Episode 6

I sit in the darkness of the night, listening to the crickets sing outside. I do not know what to do or what to think. How will I be compensated for sacrificing myself and becoming a half-human half-fish, a guardian? It must be just past the magical hour of night, but I cannot sit here and ponder upon my fate without answers. I gather my fishing gear and head to Casterly Rock, with the full moon as my only guidance through the darkness.
As if the guardian knew I was on my way To Casterly Rock, I see him leaning against a tree in the distance, waiting for me.
“Evening,” he says.
“Hi. How did you know I was coming?”
“Brad, you must learn quickly now. We know all these things. We know what you think and feel even before you think it.”
I shift my Piscifun shoulder bag to my other arm and stand beside the guardian. His slimy hand is curling around something round, like a Piscifun braided fishing line.
“Come with me. Let me show you what you want to know.”
The guardian leads me to an opening in the forest, near Casterly Rock. In the middle of the opening, sprouting from the earth is a small sapling. Its leaves are the color of blood and a whitish liquid pulsates through its veins.
“This, Brad, it the tree of life. There is no other tree in the world like this one. The roots of this tree grow right into the water of Casterly Rock. In return for using Casterly Rock’s water, the tree gives life to the content of the water. The trout of Casterly Rock, thus flourishes because of the life they receive from this tree. The fish will never die, they will never grow extinct and they will never stop reproducing. But that is not all. Anyone who eats has the benefit of eating trout from Casterly Rock, will receive that same gift, the gift of life.”
It takes a few minutes for me to process all this information. “So, by giving the poor trout to eat from Casterly Rock, I am actually giving them life?”
“Exactly. They may not have money to dwell in, but they have a greater gift. They have the gift of life. That, Brad, no money in the world will ever be able to buy.”
“But why would you want to give only poor people the gift of life?”
“People that has come to know money and the riches thereof, is corrupted. Corrupted minds do not receive the gift of life very well. People that do not know riches that well, will embrace the gift of life much easier and use it in a more efficient way.”
“Efficient how?” Slowly, things began to make sense.
“If a person that does not have money, realize that they have the gift of life, and with the gift of life I mean immortality, they will not use money to exploit it. They will use this gift to do good onto the world. That is the way the gift works. It makes your heart pure, leaving the corruption of money out of the equation.”
“I understand much better now. So, protecting Casterly Rock means protecting the world and having control over the gift of life?”
“Yes, Brad, but first, you must sacrifice yourself…”

