
Fishing At Casterly Rock Episode 4

Today is the day. Today I will finally come to terms with what being a guardian at Casterly Rock is all about. I will also get to meet more guardians and maybe even get to meet THE guardian, the one who makes it all happen, the leader of the pack, as per say.
Putting my fishing gear into my Piscifun shoulder bag, I cannot help but wonder what this day has in store for me. I purchased a brand new Piscifun spinning fishing reel the day before and can’t wait to test it out. Upon arriving at Casterly Rock, an eerie fog lay across the lake, making it really hard to see what is lurking inside the murky water. I am sure the trout will make it difficult for me today.
The fog parts some near the water’s edge, and a strange urge comes over me to dive right into the icy water. Without hesitation, I put my Piscifun Travel mate spinning fishing rod against an old oak tree and dive right in. The water hits me like a thousand knives, the cold claws almost getting the better of me. My lungs fill with air; I can actually breathe under water! A strange force is pulling me down, farther and farther, drawing me to something I have never encountered before. There, just over the sand bank, a circle of fish like creatures sits, staring straight at me, as if waiting for my arrival.
“Brad, you have come as I have asked.” I hear the guardian’s voice, but his fish like lips do not move.
“I am here; ready to be part of this meeting, ready to know what my destiny at Casterly Rock will be.”
“You are too eager, Brad. Your mind is not ready for the responsibility that awaits you. The reason you were brought here is so that you can see and experience firsthand what being a guardian is all about. This will not be taken lightly and you will be compensated in better ways this world could ever give you.”
I am led to a vortex like sphere, sucking water into what looks like a big black hole in the rocks at the bottom of the lake. “Look, Brad, and tell me what do you see?”
I look into the watery mush and am stunned to see myself, swimming to the water’s surface. I can almost feel the air being drained from my lungs as I break the surface. I swim to the water’s edge and stumble to the nearest rock. As I look down upon my hands, a slimy, green and fish-like hand is all I see. Gasping at the sight, I try to move to a pool of water to see my fate. However, where my feet once were, is now a fish tail, just like a trout. The water that soaks from my hair forms a puddle as if luring me to look into the mirror image of myself. Looking into the puddle, I see what looks like a half human and half fish face. The face, or so I think, of a guardian of Casterly Rock.
With a jolt, I tear myself away from the vortex the guardians want me to see. “Brad, tell me, do you not like what you see?”

